Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kindergarten Kopp

So this will be my first year teaching! I have been trying to teach for a few years now and was finally offered a position as a Kindergarten teacher at my old elementary school. It's like everything came together this year. I believe God was watching over me and led me to a school where I would feel comfortable and where I would be surrounded by knowledgeable and inspriring people.

I spent the last few weeks of my summer before school starts in my classroom getting my room ready. I spent many late nights and many weekends organizing, rearranging furniture, cleaning, straightening, and making my classroom my own. Who knew being a teacher was so hard before you actually start teaching?

I was blessed to get the classroom of a retiring teacher. She left me sooooooo much stuff. I am still in awe of the amount of teaching materials that I have in my classroom for my first year. Thank you Ms. Johnson. You are a blessing from above.

I hope you enjoy the pics of my classroom. It wasn't quite ready at this point but it's an idea of what it looks like. I will take more of my bulletin boards and centers throughout the year.


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